Epigraf, Uzak Ülke projesinin elemanıdır

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Gospel According To The Son / Norman Mailer

GOSPEL: İncili Şerif; dört incilden biri; iyi haber, müjde; doğru söz,
hakikat; akide. (Redhouse, İngilizce-Türkçe sözlük)


Markos'a göre İncil (Gospel According to Mark)

Kefernahum'a girdiler. Sept günü olunca İsa hemen havraya girip ders
vermeye başladı. Halk O'nun öğretişine şaşıp kaldı. Çünkü onlara din
bilginleri gibi değil, yetkili biri gibi ders veriyordu. Tam o sırada
havralarında bulunan ve kötü ruha tutsak olan bir adam, "Ey Nasıralı İsa,
bizden ne istiyorsun?" diye bağırdı. "Bizi mahvetmeye mi geldin? Senin kim
olduğunu biliyorum, Tanrı'nın Kutsalısın sen!"

İsa, "Sus, çık o adamdan!" diyerek kötü ruhu azarladı. Kötü ruh adamı
sarstı ve büyük bir çığlık atarak içinden çıktı.

Herkes şaşıp kaldı. Birbirlerine, "Bu nasıl şey?" diye sormaya
başladılar. "Yepyeni bir öğreti! Kötü ruhlara bile yetkiyle buyruk veriyor,
onlar da sözünü dinliyorlar." Böylece İsa'yla ilgili haberler, tüm Celile
bölgesinin her yerine hızla yayıldı.

Matta'ya göre İncil (Gospel according to Matthew)

"Dileyin, size verilecek; arayın, bulacaksınız; kapıyı çalın, size

Luka'ya göre İncil (Gospel according to Luke)

Sonra İsa Celile'nin Kefernahum kentine gitti. Sept günü halka ders
veriyordu. Yetkiyle konuştuğu için O'nun öğretişine şaşıp kaldılar.

Havrada cine tutsak, içinde kötü ruh olan bir adam vardı. Adam yüksek
sesle, "Ey Nasıralı İsa, bırak bizi! Bizden ne istiyorsun?" diye bağırdı.
"Bizi mahvetmeye mi geldin? Senin kim olduğunu biliyorum, Tanrı'nın Kutsalısın

İsa, "Sus, çık o adamdan!" diyerek cini azarladı. Cin herkesin önünde
amadı yere yıktıktan sonra, ona hiç zarar vermeden içinden çıktı.

Herkes şaşkına dönmüştü. Birbirlerine, "Bu nasıl söz? Güç ve yetkiyle
kötü ruhlara çıkmalarını buyuruyor, onlar da çıkıyorlar!" diyorlardı. Ve
İsa'yla ilgili haber o bölgenin her yanında yankılandı.


"Ben size şunu söyleyeyim: dileyin, size verilecek; arayın,
bulacaksınız; kapıyı çalın, size açılacaktır."

Gospel according to the Son (Oğul'a göre İncil)

7:15.-24. paragraflar

It was as I said. It was exactly as I said. A man came forward from
the congregation, and I could see that he frightened others, for he looked
like a brigand. His nose was broken, and many scars were on his face - an old
brute with a spirit so unclean that the stench of his body came before him.
Yet he cried out, "What have we to do with you, Yeshua of Nazareth? Are you
come to destroy us?"

And I saw that his features were thickened by the blows he had
received in payment for the unrest within him. So I stood in my place as he
approached. I stared into his eyes and said, "Hold your peace." And he did not

I knew that a foul presence had to be drawn forth from his hearth even
as a small beast is torn from a burrow, and I knew that he had come to me so
that this demeon could be expelled. Nor did I need a magician's ring or
armoatic herbs to place beneath his nostrils. With one breath, I said no more
than: "Demon, come forth. Come out!"

And an evil being tore out of his throat. It cried aloud in a bestial

This unclean spirit was invisible. Yet all could see that the presence
had been cast forth into the midst of the synagogue. Empty benches fell over,
and there was a wind on the floor, and dust. Then all such disturbance was

The good Jews of the synagogue were amazed. They were pious people,
and their greatest uneasiness was to share a room with these unclean spirits.
They did not know how to resist them. Therefore they desired no traffic with
people who were ready to war with evil. They now said: "What new doctrine is
this? Who does he command? Is it unclean?"

In that moment I felt as if I had hurled a stone into the midst of the
Sea of Galilee and ripples had traveled to every shore. Word of my deed would
pass thorugh all the regions about us.

"Ask," I said to them who were in the synagogue.
"Ask, and it shall be given unto you.
"Seek, and you shall find.
"Knock, and it shall be opened to you."

My new friends Simon Peter and Andrew and James and John came out of
the synagogue and I went back with me to the house of Simon Peter.

NORMAN MAILER, "The Gospel according to the Son".

Matthew according to the Son

Later, those who became my scribes, and most notably Matthew, in his
gospel, would speak of my Sermon on the Mount. They had me saying all manner
of things, and some were the opposite of others. Matthew put so many sayings
together, indeed, that he might as well have had me not ceasing to speak for a
day and a night, and speaking out of two mouths that did not listen to each
other. I can only recount what I know: I wished to bring all of them to my
knowledge of the God.

Mark's, Matthew's and Luke's Gospels according to the Son

Leter, this story was so much exaggerated by Mark and Matthew and
Luke. No angel appeared in the sky, nor did the manna that God gave to Moses
appear. But such was the power of the blessing of the Lord that my followers
were satisfied. I felt as if I were a carpenter's apprentice again and had
gathered with my fellows in a green field (rather than on the stones of a
desert beach). We were eating with much joy. Indeed, it was a feast. Perhaps
that is why Mark gave me not less than five thousand loaves and hundreds of
fish and burdened my disciples with twelve baskets of food to bear home.
Whereas we were five hundred, and brought nothing but ourselves.

Exaggeration is the language of the Devil, and no man is free of
Satan, not even the Son of God (and certainly not Matthew, Mark, Luke, or
John). So I knew that many of my followers would increase the numbers of this
feat. Yet I also suspected that my Father preffered each miracle to equal no
more than the need that called it forth. Even as waste will exist in all
matters, so in the working of miracles, extravagance is best avoided. And by
that, I believed I now understood my Father.

His Followers according to the Son

I had been looking for an army of men whose souls were so pure that
they would need no swords. Instead, I had gathered a few followers who argued
among themselves over who would sit to the right of me and who would be the
first when I was gone. So many miracles, so little gain.

Norman Mailer
Gospel According to the Son

Norman Mailer'ın 'Gospel According to the Son' romanindan bölümler
Emre Sururi tarafından, 18/03/2001 tarihinde gönderildi.
Epigraf: Online Türkçe Edebiyat Arşivi | http://epigraf.fisek.com.tr

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